Led by renowned Musical Director and Head Gleeber, Vicky Jacobs, Glee Plus rehearse in 10 week seasons towards a performance.
We rehearse on Saturday afternoons 4:00 – 6:00 at the fabulous Malthouse Theatre in the heart of Southbank. And we don’t have tea break – we have Wine Time!
There are no auditions for Glee Plus – just a willingness to throw yourself in and give it a go.
It’s no drama if you miss a week or two – we understand that we all live busy lives and so we zoom and record the sessions and give you lots of resources so you can sing at home and catch up.
We love to accept new members at the start of every 10 week season.
We’re so thrilled to be bringing home the year with a festive celebration at Heide Museum of Modern Art. This season you’ll have a double-act of conductors with Vicky Jacobs starting off the season and then handing over to the inimitable Trevor Jones!
Here’s all the info:
Rehearsals: 4:00 – 6:00 Saturdays
Where: The Malthouse Theatre, Sturt Street, Southbank
Dates: October 12 – December 7 (no rehearsal on November 2 due to the Cup long weekend)
Please note: The rehearsal on December 7 will be at the earlier time of 3pm – 5pm
Performance: Sunday December 8, 3pm at Heide Museum of Modern Art in the sculpture garden.
Cost: $250 or you can give the first session a go for just $10