Led by renowned Musical Director and Head Gleeber, Vicky Jacobs, Glee Plus rehearse in short seasons towards a performance.
We rehearse on Saturday afternoons 4:00 – 6:00 at the fabulous Malthouse Theatre in the heart of Southbank. And we don’t have tea break – we have Wine Time!
There are no auditions for Glee Plus – just a willingness to throw yourself in and give it a go.
It’s no drama if you miss a week or two – we understand that we all live busy lives and so we livestream and record the sessions and give you lots of resources so you can sing at home and catch up through our Patreon page.
We love to accept new singers to come and give it go at the beginning of each season. Numbers are strictly limited – we want our choirs to stay personal and not too huge!
Rehearsal dates: February 1 – March 22
Rehearsal times: Saturdays 4 – 6pm
Rehearsal venue: The Malthouse, 113 Sturt Street, Southbank
Cost: $300 or you can come and try the first sesssion out for $22 before committing for the whole season.
Here are the rest of the dates for 2025. Please note that sometimes we have to make small changes to fit in with performance opportunities but we try and stay as close to these as possible.
Season 1 performance
Polly Woodside Open Day
Sunday April 6, approximately 2pm
Season 2
April 26 – June 21
Performance TBC Wednesday June 25
Season 3
July 19 – September 13
Performance September 20 at BMW Edge
Season 4
October 11 – December 6
Singing Wine Tour on December 7